The digestive system is extremely important for animal health. It actually performs a double function: it absorbs water and nutritional materials and, at the same time, is the immune system’s first line of defence. Efficiency is the watchword, and our mission is to obtain optimal results with the smallest possible quantity of feed possible. To succeed we must avoid the risk of dangerous attacks by pathogens that can cause malabsorption, diarrhoea, and poor growth.
To ensure the health of the digestive tract a multifactorial approach is preferred to assure its functionality and, at the same time, maintain its proper and natural physiological condition.
We know that the development of microflora is essential for the welfare of all animals and, especially, for livestock subjected to intense stress. Metabolites and enzymes improve digestion and the absorption of nutrients, reducing microbial growth and colonisation of the intestines by intestinal pathogens. Harmful microorganisms make natural development of beneficent microflora difficult because they can grow faster and are present from the beginning of the animal’s life, creating a competitive barrier for positive microorganisms. If they are not kept under control, they can spread to other parts of the animal’s body also, causing serious problems.
Eurofeed additives to feed and drinking water are the answer to provide young and weak animals with proper assistance to growth by the development of positive microorganisms which encourage the establishment of intestinal microflora which can prevent any problems. Probiotics and prebiotics are designed specifically for the animal’s health both during development and through its life.
Innovative symbiosis to encouraging the development of microflora. It improves digestion and homeostasis. It is produced in powder form.
Intestinal health is of vital importance for animal health because it ensures the body absorbs and uses nutrients that are broken down and digested in the stomach. If the intestines are in a poor condition, diarrhoea occurs which compromises the animal’s growth. Eurofeed additives are designed to develop and maintain the health and integrity of intestines, encouraging the animal’s natural growth.
Food additives actually protect the intestinal tract from external attack (viruses, bacteria, parasites, toxins), detoxify it from endotoxins, encouraging its development and regeneration in the event of damage.
Microflora enhancer, intestinal booster, natural promotor of growth. Produced in powder or liquid form.
Natural anticoccidial which reduces the formation of spores, bacteria, and the release of oocysts. Active against Eimeria, Isospora, Cryptosporidium. Produced in powder or liquid form.
Natural antimicrobial enzyme which prevents the spread of pathogens and reduces contamination by endotoxins. Produced in powder or liquid form.
Ensuring the proper functioning of the intestinal tract is an imperative for animal health and, in a special way, for livestock. Poor growth and increase in the feed conversion index can cause significant financial loss, besides serious damage to the health of the animal. It is therefore fundamental to employ suitable nutritional strategies and food additives which ensure the maintenance of intestinal integrity, quickly repairing it in the event that it is compromised.
Mycoban line
Liquid mycotoxin binder. Detoxifies the animal’s body and improves resistance to toxins. Produced in liquid form.
Liquid mycotoxin binder. Detoxifies the animal’s body and improves resistance to toxins. Produced in liquid form.
Efficient binder active against mycotoxins, reducing their negative effects. Produced in powder form.
Probiotic for maintenance of microflora. Naturally reduces diarrhoea and improves absorption of liquids by the intestines. Produced in powder form.
Stop Tox
Mycotoxin binder combined with anti-mould and antifungal elements. Naturally reduces diarrhoea and improves digestion. Produced in powder form.
Prebiotic for microflora maintenance. Naturally reduces diarrhoea and improves digestion. Produced in powder form.